Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why Does OYE feel the need to lie?

OYE has posted on their web site a video from the Young Republican National Convention (YRNC 2007.) They claim to have "infiltrated" the convention. They give themselves way too much credit. YRNC 2007 invited them to come see how much the YRs love the military, even offering them a booth for military recruitment. OYE paid a total of $750 (including registration) which has successfully removed money from Democrat to Republican hands.

The video on their site is really misrepresenting the truth. Their member spoke to the military recruiter ONLY minutes after they arrived. What they also fail to tell you is the largest round of applauses came when the booth was announced.

The truth is, more YRs serve in the military than YDs, and most YRs do not need a booth to do what is right. Many in attendance have already served or are active duty military, but cannot be in uniform at a political event.

OYE will not tell you the truth because the truth hurts their cause.

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Operation Yellow Jackass said...
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